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Serving These Convenient Locations:
No Needle Allergy Tests

Do you have a chronic cough, chronic sinus congestion, chronic sore throat? These may all be indicators of allergies. If you are constantly going to the ER or urgent care center maybe its time to ask why you haven't been tested yet.

Detox Services

Most people cannot just walk away from opioid addiction. They need help to change their thinking, behavior, and environment. Unfortunately, "quitting cold turkey" has a poor success rate - fewer than 25% of patients are able to stay clear for a full year.

PharmacoGenetic Tests

Medications - One size does not fit all. More than 75% of people have genetic variations that determine how their bodies process and use drugs. This applies to prescription medications, over-the-counter medicines, herbal and dietary supplements.

Insect Sting/Bug Bite

Insect Bites or Stings

Insect bites are a common ailment, and they're at their worst during the summer months.  When the weather is warm, you're most likely to spend time outdoors.  Additionally, many insects hibernate during the winter and emerge in the spring and summer, making it more likely that you will encounter them.  Nevertheless, it is possible to sustain bites and stings year round, and recognizing the symptoms of an insect bite is the first step toward accurately treating it. 

In most cases, bug bites are more annoying than dangerous.  They will often trigger the release of histamines, which will cause the affected area to swell and itch.  This itching is annoying but will usually subside within a few days if left unmolested.  Scratching at a bug bite can raise your risk of infection and subsequent complications. 

A few types of bug bites are more dangerous, however.  For example, venomous spiders can make you very ill.  The bite of a brown recluse spider will cause the surrounding flesh to become necrotic, while black widows administer neurotoxins in their venom.  Additionally, even non-venomous bugs can pose a threat when they carry diseases.  Mosquitoes, ticks and other blood-sucking bugs are responsible for the spread of diseases like malaria, West Nile virus and Lyme disease.  Finally, some bug bites and stings can cause allergic reactions in their victims, and these can become very serious for some patients. 

You can treat the itching and irritation from bug bites by applying a topical antihistamine to the affected area.  A cream containing steroids can also help to minimize symptoms and provide immediate relief.  If no other symptoms or complications arise, this treatment should be sufficient for managing most bug bites.  It's important to seek medical attention if you begin exhibiting signs of an allergic reaction, such as swelling and shortness of breath.  It's also important to watch out for signs of disease, including fever, body aches and fatigue, so that the appropriate treatment can be obtained. 

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